1.2.1 Level
Figure 1-5 Vented Logger Measurement Fundamentals
LevelVent and AquaVent detect both water (W) and barometric pressure (+B). However, a vent tube to surface allows barometric effects on the pressure sensor to be eliminated (-B). Therefore, the LevelVent and AquaVent provide readings of the actual pressure of just water above the pressure sensor zero point (A). This equation represents how the pressure sensors work:
A = (W + +B) + (-B)
Therefore, A=W (See Figure 1-2).
A = LevelVent/AquaVent readings
W = Water column height
+B = Barometric pressure detected by the pressor sensor
-B = Barometric pressure applied through the vented cable
A = D (depth of AquaVent Zero Point) - d (depth to water measurement)