6.1 Project Data Report

Use the drop-down menus to select the project and the report type (table or charts) that you want to view. Use the filters to view data with different units, time intervals, or isolate one datalogger or specific parameter. You can select to Refresh the Report at any time.

figure 6-1 project data report

Figure 6-1 Project Data Report


The Report types available are:


If you select "Looker Studio" at the bottom of the data report, you will be taken to a demo project report as an example.


6.1.1 Downloading Reports

Data reports from each connected datalogger can be downloaded to your computer as *.xle files. These data files can be opened using Solinst Levelogger PC Software. See the Levelogger User Guide for more information. Both the raw data and compensated data files will be downloaded.

You can select a number of reports at once, then click Download Selected Reports to download them all at once. You can download a single set of datalogger files by clicking the Download icon to the right of the file in the list.

figure 6-2 download reports

Figure 6-2 Download Reports

