The Datalogger Sampling Mode section allows you to choose the sampling measurement type. Options are Linear, Event Based and Schedule.
See Table 5-1 for model specific programming options.
Linear refers to a set time interval between collection of readings. Sample Rate can be any number from 0.125 seconds to 99 hours for the Levelogger 5.
Typical battery life of the Levelogger 5 is 10 Years, based on 1 reading per minute. More rapid readings will reduce the battery life. For example, if a Levelogger 5 is setup in Continuous Mode at a sampling rate of 1 second, the battery will be depleted in approximately 4 months.
If a Levelogger 5 Junior or Levelogger 5 LTC is used at a sampling rate of 5 seconds, the battery will be depleted in approximately 2.4 months.
Figure 5-8 Linear Sampling Setup
Event Based sample collection is the most memory efficient means of data collection. In Event mode, the Levelogger will be activated at every defined 'Sample Rate' to check if readings have changed by the selected 'Change' from the last recorded reading.
For the Levelogger 5, 'LEVEL' or 'TEMPERATURE' is the selected parameter where change is monitored. You can also select 'CONDUCTIVITY' for the Levelogger 5 LTC. The Levelogger will record a new reading only if the specified change in the parameter has occurred, at the specific point in time, as defined by the 'Sample Rate'.
In Event Based sampling mode, battery consumption is mainly a function of sampling rate. Therefore, with a smaller sampling interval, battery power will be used up quickly whether readings are stored or not.
In Event Based sampling mode, the Levelogger 5 has a total memory of 60,000 sets of readings and the Levelogger 5 LTC has a total memory of 45,000 sets of readings.
In Event Based sampling mode, the Levelogger Edge has a total memory of 24,000 sets of readings and the LTC Levelogger Edge has a total memory of 18,650 sets of readings. The Levelogger Gold has a total memory of 25,000 sets of readings.
A default reading will also be stored in the datalogger memory, every 24 hours from the last recording, if no 'Change' occurs.
Rainloggers record in Event Based mode only. They record the tip times of a connected tipping-bucket.
Figure 5-9 Event-Based Sampling Setup
Schedule Sampling allows you to select a logarithmic style sampling schedule adapted to the needs of each application.
Schedule Sampling is set by using the plus and minus buttons to add or subtract line items in the Schedule window. The maximum number of line items in a schedule is 30, each with its own sampling Interval of seconds, minutes or hours and duration of seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks. A Pause interval can also be selected, which stops the Levelogger from recording for the specified Duration.
Running totals of the number of readings still available, and the run time to date are shown. If the number of readings selected exceeds the Levelogger's memory capacity, an error message appears.
By checking Repeat, the Levelogger will continue to run through the schedule until its memory is full, or it is stopped.
Figure 5-10 Schedule Sampling Setup