10.1.3 Barologger Edge Installation

solinst levelogger and barologger in well

Figure 10-18 Levelogger
and Barologger in Well

The Barologger is a Levelogger with a small range adequate to monitor the fluctuations that occur in barometric pressure. The Barologger's readings are used to barometrically compensate Levelogger readings. As a rule of thumb, a Barologger can be used to compensate all the Leveloggers in a 30 km (20 mile) radius and/or with every 300 m (1000 ft) change in elevation.


The Barologger should not be used to monitor water, as the internal mathematics for temperature compensation are based on air rather than water.

To monitor barometric pressure correctly, the Barologger should never be submerged. In well installations, it is recommended that the Barologger be suspended in one of the monitored wells above the high water point (the well must be vented). For best reading accuracy, the Barologger should be installed in a similar thermal environment to that of the Levelogger. In groundwater wells, the Barologger should be suspended beyond the frost line and deep enough to avoid large temperature fluctuations. In surface water applications, the Barologger is best deployed in a dry well – a well embedded in the bottom of the water body, but sealed at the base from water entry and vented to the atmosphere. If a dry well cannot be installed, the Barologger can be installed on a float in the stilling well. Further information on the Barologger and barometric pressure can be found in Section 8.2 Barometric Compensation.


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