If the Levelogger has been programmed to record on its own independent schedule, data can be downloaded from the Levelogger using a laptop PC and PC Interface Cable, Levelogger 5 App Interface, or DataGrabber 5 in the field (see separate operating instructions). Temporarily disconnect the Levelogger from the SDI-12 Interface Cable, preferably in between recordings by the SDI-12 datalogger. Connect a laptop, Levelogger 5 App Interface or DataGrabber 5 to download the independently recorded data.
If the Levelogger is disconnected from the SDI-12 network, and the SDI-12 datalogger tries to communicate with the Levelogger, the Red LED will flash as described in Section 1.3. This does not disrupt the SDI-12 datalogger or the rest of the sensors in the network. The Red LED will stop flashing once the Levelogger is reconnected.
After the data download is complete, the Levelogger is easily connected back into the SDI-12 network without disruption. The Levelogger is automatically verified when reconnected. See Section 4.2.