4.2.1 Setting Up Datalogger Measurement Parameters

In the lower portion of the Datalogger Information screen is the window for setting channel parameters. The software will detect the available channels when the Datalogger Information settings are read.

For the Level Channel, you can set the following parameters:

The Temperature Channel includes the following parameters:

solinst rrl remote radio link user guide setting up levelogger measurment parameters setting up rrl levelogger water level channel information rrl water level identification rrl water level units rrl water level offset image

Figure 4-10 The Temperature Channel


The Conductivity Channel includes the following parameters:

solinst rrl remote radio link user guide setting up levelogger measurment parameters setting up rrl levelogger water level channel information rrl water level identification rrl water level units rrl water level offset image

Figure 4-11 LTC Levelogger Measurement Parameters


Rainlogger Measurement Parameters:


You must program your Rainloggers in order to enter a Rainfall Cal Constant (the amount of rainfall per tip of the rain gauge), but you do not have to set them to record independently.

There is one channel of measurement for Rainloggers. The 'RainFall' Channel records each tip time by the connected tipping-bucket and outputs the amount of rainfall per tip (input Rainfall Cal Constant). When an RRL Remote Station reports Rainlogger data to the Home Station, it will send the accumulated rainfall amount per sample period (based on RRL Station Sample Rate). To determine the exact time that a tip occurred, the Rainlogger would have to be set to record in its own internal memory, which stores each tip event.

solinst rrl remote radio link user guide setting up levelogger measurment parameters setting up rrl levelogger water level channel information rrl water level identification rrl water level units rrl water level offset image

Figure 4-12 Rainlogger Measurement Parameters



When an RRL reports Rainlogger data to the Home Station, it will send the accumulated rainfall per sample period (based on RRL Sample Rate).

After all dataloggers have been entered and programmed as desired, proceed to Step 6.