4 Connect Leveloggers to RRL

  1. Ensure the pins are lined up, and connect the Reader Cable to the RRL Station.
  2. Connect the Reader Cable to a Direct Read Cable with a Levelogger or Barologger connected, or to a LevelVent Wellhead or AquaVent Wellhead Connector Cable.
  3. Record the serial number of each unit, as well as the reference position connection to the RRL.


Each RRL Station has connections for two dataloggers. These connections can also be used to connect Splitters. One or two Splitters can be used, each allowing the connection of two dataloggers.


solinst connect leveloggers to rrl connect leveloggers to remote radio link connecting levelogger to rrl remote radio link datalogger connection connect datalogger to rrl connect datalogger to remote radio link image


solinst connect leveloggers to rrl connect leveloggers to remote radio link connecting levelogger to rrl remote radio link datalogger connection connect datalogger to rrl connect datalogger to remote radio link image

Position the Splitter as shown in the photo above to accommodate two Splitters on the RRL Station.


solinst connect leveloggers to rrl connect leveloggers to remote radio link connecting levelogger to rrl remote radio link datalogger connection connect datalogger to rrl connect datalogger to remote radio link image



The connections for dataloggers on the RRL Stations are identified as Right and Left in the RRL Software. This assumes the RRL Station is facing with the black label towards you. When using a Splitter, the number 1 or 2 will identify the dataloggers. The numbers 1 and 2 are labeled directly on the Splitter.