5.2 Remote LevelSender Options

From the main menu, click Remote LevelSender. Here you will have options to view the LevelSender Settings, View the Project Data Report, add Alarm Notification Recipients, and update the device with LevelSender Changes. See Section 6.1 for viewing the Project Data Report.


5.2.1 LevelSender Settings

Selecting the serial number or name of a programmed remote (or connected) LevelSender from the Project List will display the LevelSender Settings:

figure 5-8 remote levelsender settings

Figure 5-8 Remote LevelSender Settings


LevelSender Information


The status will update after the first report. Before that, the status will be "Waiting to Start".

LevelSender Setup

Historical Alarms

This section will display information about any alarms that have been triggered for the LevelSender. You can also Update the number of historical alarms that are displayed, up to a maximum of 50.


You can Add a New LevelSender to the same project in this window.


5.2.2 Alarm Notification Recipients

In addition to Account and Project Managers, you can add Alarm Notification Recipients that will receive an email alert when an alarm condition has been met.

To add an alarm notification recipient, enter the Email Address and Display Name of the recipient, then click Add. You can also Remove recipients from the list. Click Save Changes when you are finished adding or removing recipients.

figure 5-9 alarm notification recipients

Figure 5-9 Alarm Notification Recipients


5.2.3 Remote LevelSender Changes

To make changes to a remote LevelSender, click LevelSender Changes, then select the device from the Project List.

figure 5-10 levelsender changes

Figure 5-10 LevelSender Changes


You can change the name of the LevelSender device by using the edit icon at the top right of the screen.

The time and date that the LevelSender settings were last updated will be displayed.

If there are changes pending, or new changes applied, this will be indicated beside the setting by either a yellow or green circle, respectively.

The unique email that you may have set to be associated with the LevelSender will appear in the LevelSender Email field. This will only be set if you previously programmed the LevelSender using LevelSender Software (see the LevelSender 5 User Guide).

From here, you can edit the LevelSender Setup, including Sampling Rate, Reporting Rate, and Location.

You can set a new Start time for the LevelSender, or Stop a LevelSender from sampling/reporting.


If you Stop a LevelSender, it will stop sampling/reporting, but will continue to check for remote updates (e.g. a new start time) at the set reporting rate. It will use a small amount of battery and data during these checks.


To stop your LevelSender from reporting and checking for updates, it must be done with the LevelSender directly connected to the computer using the USB cable and the Diagnostics Information option (See Section 7.1), or the Solinst Cloud LevelSender Field Utility (see section 8.0).


Any changes made in this tab will not be applied to the remote LevelSender until after its next report (they will not occur right away). You should know your LevelSender schedule so you can apply changes at an appropriate time.

You can override the default location coordinates of the LevelSender by adding Custom GPS Coordinates. Check to Override the Device's GPS Coordinates and enter the Longitude and Latitude values.

figure 5-11 levelsender changes - datalogger setup

Figure 5-11 LevelSender Changes - Datalogger Setup


You can update or set the connected dataloggers to record independently in their own internal memory.


See the Levelogger and Vented Dataloggers User Guides for more information on each datalogger type, and their logging capabilities.

Check the box to enable updates to the datalogger. You can program the following for each connected datalogger:


When using a Splitter, the number 1 or 2 will identify the Dataloggers in Solinst Cloud. The numbers are labeled directly on the Splitter.

There is also the option to enable, or disable the internal barometer (see Section 5.1.2).

There is also the option to update or add alarm settings for the connected dataloggers (see Section 5.1.3).

Once you have finished editing the LevelSender settings, click Save.

These changes will be applied to the remote LevelSender at its next scheduled report interval.

