This user guide explains the capability, operation, and maintenance of the LevelVent 5, AquaVent 5, and the previous LevelVent and AquaVent water level and temperature dataloggers. Focus is on use with Solinst Levelogger Software (Solinst Protocol), with separate AquaVent User Guides discussing use with SDI-12 and MODBUS protocols.
To begin using your datalogger, install Levelogger Software Version 4.7.0 (or higher). Please visit: to download the current version or check for updates.
1.1 Vented Water Level Dataloggers
The LevelVent and AquaVent are accurate water level and temperature dataloggers. They use a gauged (vented) pressure transducer. The pressure sensor is open to the atmosphere via a vented cable to surface, therefore, provides water level measurements that are automatically compensated for barometric effects, as well as temperature.
The loggers contain a desiccant and hydrophobic filter where the Vented Cable connects. There is no need to replace the desiccant or filter, they are designed to provide protection from moisture over the lifetime of the instrument, while still allowing air to vent to the transducer.
LevelVent 5 and AquaVent 5 loggers have a baked-on coating using polymerization technology for extra corrosion resistance in harsh environments. They use the same Wellheads, Communication Cables, and Vented Cables as the previous LevelVent and AquaVent loggers.