8.0 Solinst Cloud LevelSender Field Utility

The Solinst Cloud LevelSender Field Utility can be downloaded from https://downloads.solinst.com You will require a PC running Windows 10 or 11 to use the program.

The Field Utility provides a convenient way to connect to your LevelSender in the field for diagnostic purposes, or to start or stop your LevelSender.

To use the Field Utility, connect the LevelSender to your PC via a USB cable (see Section 5.1). Select the Com Port the LevelSender is connected to, or click Scan LevelSender to retrieve the proper Com Port information. Click Connect.

solinst cloud levelsender field utility

Figure 8.1 Solinst Cloud LevelSender Field Utility



The Firmware Upgrade Utility is downloaded along with the Solinst Cloud LevelSender Field Utility, and a shortcut added to your desktop. See the LevelSender 5 User Guide for firmware update instructions.


Click Run Test to perform the diagnostic tests listed. Click Save Diagnostic Information to PC to create a report that you can then use for your own purposes, or send to Solinst for further assistance.

You can Stop or Start a LevelSender immediately, or select a Future Start time.

The Reboot LevelSender option can be used to reset a LevelSender before reprogramming, especially when connecting to a new service provider.

