Ensure you are using the latest software, and firmware versions for your AquaVent 5 logger and Wellhead. Visit, or use the software update feature for help.
- Start the Levelogger Software, and select the appropriate Com Port for the connected device.
- In the Datalogger Settings tab, click the 'Retrieve Settings" icon. This will display the current programmed settings for the connected AquaVent 5.
- You can now customize the Aquavent 5 Project ID, Locations, sampling regime, and start and stop times.
AquaVent 5 Datalogger Settings Window
If a number of AquaVent 5 loggers are to be programmed with identical inputs, clicking the "Save Default Settings" icon will create a template.
The 'Future Start' and 'Future Stop' options are ideal for synchronizing the data collection of multiple loggers.
Clicking on the in the software will provide you with a short explanation of that feature, e.g. Com Port, Datalogger Zero, Slate Mode, Time Synchronization, etc. e.g. Com Port, Datalogger Zero, Slate Mode, Time Synchronization, etc.