Downloading and Working with Data

  1. Click the 'Data Control' tab to access the "Data Control' window. This window is laid out in three sections: datalogger settings, tabular data, and graphical data.
  2. Download LeveloggerTo download data from a connected logger, select the 'Download Data from Datalogger' icon. There are four options for downloading data: All Data, Append Data, Partial Download, and Download Files. The data will be presented in tabular and graphical formats.
  3. Note:

    The default directory for downloaded and saved data is:
    <C:\Program Files\Solinst\Levelogger4_6\Data>
    Data is saved as an *.xle file.

  4. Save Levelogger DataTo save data, click the "Save Data" icon and input the desired name for the saved file.
  5. Export Levelogger DataTo export the data file for use in other software programs, click the 'Export' icon. The file can be exported as a *.csv or *.xml file.


To change the default directory for downloaded data, use the 'Configuration' menu at the top of the software window. Select 'Application Settings' and input or navigate to a different folder destination. Click 'OK'.

solinst aquavent vented water level datalogger software data control window

Data Control Window


The *.csv and *.xml file formats are supported and can be imported by most spreadsheet and database programs.

The data graph can be exported to a *.bmp file or a *.png file by clicking File > Export > Graph.