3.2.2 RS-485 Connection


Solinst only supplies the Connector Cables which connect to the Solinst AquaVent SPX Wellhead. The customer must supply all wiring to connect to the MODBUS equipment, and must ensure correct pin-to-pin connection with the Connector Cables according to the pin-out diagrams provided.

solinst aquavent rs 485 modbus connector cable

Figure 3-6 Solinst AquaVent RS-485 Modbus Connector Cable


Two-wire MODBUS over RS-485 Connector Cable is equipped with a male DE-9 connector. The other end of the Connector Cable connects to the 12-Pin connection on the SPX Wellhead.

solinst aquavent rs 485 modbus connector cable male de 9 connector front view


Shell: Cable Shield Drain
1: Circuit Ground
2: (+) Power to Wellhead
3: N.C.
4: N.C.
5: RS-485 B/B'/Z/+, MODBUS D1
6: N.C.
7: N.C.
8: N.C.
9: RS-485 A/A'/Y/-, MODBUS D0

Figure 3-7 RS-485 Male DE-9 Connector (front view)


The AquaVent uses 2-wire Modbus. for 4-wire equipment, connect customer wires as labelled.


solinst aquavent rs 485 modbus connector cable wiring overview

Figure 3-8 RS-485 Wiring Overview