The 3500 AquaVent SPX Wellhead contains a multicolour LED.
The Yellow LED flashes whenever the AquaVent replies to a data recorder command on the SDI-12 network. The Yellow LED does not flash when it receives a command, only when it replies to a command.
The following will also occur:
Tricolour spin (3 cycles) to indicate a power-on event.
Alternating Yellow/Green for 10 rapid cycles to indicate that AquaVent communication has been established, the SDI-12 device address has been set to represent that AquaVent and SDI-12 interface is online.
Alternating Yellow/Red for 10 rapid cycles would instead mean that communication was NOT established, so the SDI-12 interface has been brought online using the default device address of ASCII '0'. (Check the batteries and the AquaVent logger connections).