Well Casing & Depth Indicator Probe Replacement Instructions

solinst well casing and depth indicator probe exploded view showing labels for each component

get quote for solinst well casing and depth indicator


Tools and Materials Needed

  1. 105 Replacement Probe Assembly (#114742)
    • Includes two replacement #V013 O-Rings
  2. Tweezers (if required)



  1. Make sure the Well Casing & Depth Indicator is turned off.
  2. To remove the old probe, twist the probe counter-clockwise and slowly pull it away from the tape seal plug.
  3. It will take some force to pull past the o-rings on the tape seal plug. Ensure not to overextend the wire connectors inside the probe.

disconnect the brass tubes from the connectors of the solinst well casing and depth indicator probe


  1. Remove the two connectors from the brass tubes.
  2. Remove the old o-rings. Use your fingers to push the o-rings up and roll it off the tape seal plug.


To avoid damage to the tape seal plug, do not use a sharp tool to remove or install the o-rings.

use your fingers to install the new o-rings in the grooves of the solinst well casing and depth indicator probe

  1. Use your fingers to install the new o-rings in the grooves. You can lubricate them with a bit of water if required.
  2. Lay the tape and tape seal plug so the numbers on the tape are facing up.
  3. If required, use tweezers to carefully pull the green and white wire connectors from the replacement probe body.
  4. To attach the new probe, connect the green wire to the brass connector on the top of the tape seal plug and the white wire to the bottom brass tube. Ensure the connectors are pushed all the way onto the brass tubes.
  5. Keeping the wires connected, slowly twist the probe up to two times. This shortens the wires and allows them to tuck easier into the probe body.


To avoid any nicks, make sure the wires are tucked back into the probe body when pushing the probe onto the tape seal plug.

to avoid any nicks make sure the wires are tucked back into the probe body when pushing the solinst well casing and depth indicator probe onto the tape seal plug


  1. Line up the indents in the probe with the grooves in the tape seal plug. Push the probe past the o-rings, then twist the probe clockwise until the probe seats on the tape seal plug.
  2. Turn the Well Casing & Depth Indicator on. Press the plunger at the bottom of the probe into the probe body. If the connections are correct, the buzzer and light will be activated. Check the connections if the Indicator does not operate as expected.


Probe Replacement Video


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