Pneumatic Pump Control Units

Simple to Operate Pump Controller

solinst 464 electronic pump control units pneumatic pump control units bladder pump control units double valve pump control units groundwater sampling groundwater sampling control units automatic control units manual pump control units 109560 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit 125psi  cw lines for Bladder DVP image

The Solinst Model 464 Electronic Control Unit is used to set the pressure and regulate the supply of drive gas or compressed air that is required to operate Solinst Pneumatic Pumps. Drive (pressure) and vent periods are cycled to provide water flow from the groundwater sampling pumps.

The Model 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit is fully automatic with preset sample modes from low through high flow sampling. 125 psi and 250 psi versions are available. Use with a Solinst Model 407 Bladder Pump or 408 Double Valve Pump for effective VOC and low-flow groundwater sampling. Quick-connect fittings make it easy to attach the drive and supply lines to the Electronic Control Unit and pump setup.

solinst 464 electronic pump control units pneumatic pump control units bladder pump control units double valve pump control units groundwater sampling groundwater sampling control units automatic control units manual pump control units 109560 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit 125psi  cw lines for Bladder DVP image solinst 464 electronic pump control units pneumatic pump control units bladder pump control units double valve pump control units groundwater sampling groundwater sampling control units automatic control units manual pump control units 109560 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit 125psi  cw lines for Bladder DVP image solinst 464 electronic pump control units pneumatic pump control units bladder pump control units double valve pump control units groundwater sampling groundwater sampling control units automatic control units manual pump control units 109560 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit 125psi  cw lines for Bladder DVP image



New Bladder Pumps with Easy-to-Replace Bladder Cartridges

solinst bladder pumps groundwater sampling

Solinst Bladder Pumps now feature Santoprene® bladder cartridges that are quick and easy to replace in the field – no tools required. Back by popular demand, the NEW PVC Bladder Pumps are low cost and excellent for metals sampling and in harsh, corrosive environments.

Double Valve Pumps

solinst double valve pumps groundwater sampling

Model 408 Double Valve Pumps are positive displacement gas drive pumps that provide high-quality, consistent groundwater samples and have been field-proven in thousands of applications. They now feature a simplified, lighter design for enhanced field convenience. A PVC pump option allows for use in even more field conditions.


solinst 12v submersible pump

415 12V Submersible Pump

The Solinst 12V Submersible Pump provides an efficient means of purging and obtaining groundwater samples from 2" OD monitoring wells. The compact pump can sample from depths of 36.5 m (120 ft) below ground surface, and is easy to adjust the flow rates up to 13.5 L/min (3.6 US gpm) in shallower applications.


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