Selecting the Right Groundwater Sampler
There are many things to consider when selecting a groundwater sampler:
- What you are sampling for: general chemistry, volatiles, metals.
- The type of sample needed: low/high volume, purging/grab.
- Sampling depth.
- Sampling frequency: portable or dedicated equipment.
- Monitoring well characteristics: diameter, depth to water, recharge rate.
- Ease of sampler operation, repairs in-field, decontamination.
- Local regulations, requirements, protocols, SOPs.
- Sampling environment/site logistics.
- Budget restrictions.
Whatever your needs are, Solinst has a groundwater sampler to meet them.

Solinst Groundwater Samplers
Solinst Groundwater Samplers can generally be categorized into four different groups:
- Model 410 Peristaltic Pump.
- Samples are obtained using mechanical peristaltic operation: rotating rollers depress silicone tubing, creating a vacuum, displacing any fluid or gas in the chosen direction.
- Very portable; use for purging, low flow and regular flow sampling of shallow groundwater.
Submersible Pumps:
- Model 415 12V Submersible Pump
- Samples are obtained using a rotating 12V motor impeller; as voltage is increased at the pump's controller at surface, the pump's motor turns faster and increases the flow rate
- Portable and simple to operate; use for high purge and sampling rates
- Model 404 Inertial Pumps, Mini Inertial Pump.
- Sample by repeatedly lowering and raising the footvalve and tubing; water enters the tubing on the downward stroke and is retained as the valve closes on the upward stroke; water gradually rises in the tubing to surface.
- Low cost; easy to operate for purging and sampling; ideal for dedication.
Pneumatic Pumps:
- Model 407 Bladder Pumps, Model 408 Double Valve Pumps.
- Pumps are air/gas driven. Pumps fill when lowered to depth. Air/gas drives the sample out of the pump and up the tubing. A vent cycle refills the pump. Repeated drive/vent cycles bring samples to surface.
- Ideal for low flow sampling; obtaining representative VOC samples; dedicated or portable options.
Grab Samplers:
- Model 425 Discrete Interval Sampler, Model 428 Disposable Bailers, Model 429 Point-Source Bailers.
- Sampler is lowered to depth; raised to surface; check ball(s) retain the sample as the sampler is lifted.
- Use for low, set volume, spot samples; no-purge/passive sampling; easy to dedicate or transport.
- 425D for deep sampling to 1200 m (4000 ft).