
solinst bailer baler groundwater samplers sampling narrow diameter sampling groundwater disposable bailers biobailer bio bailer biodegradable bailer biodegradable baler biodegradable bailers clear pvc bailers image


The Model 428 BioBailer™ is a low cost, biodegradable bailer, made of clear PVC. The rigid body is easy to handle and the dense PVC design eliminates the need to use weights in most groundwater sampling applications. It is available in 1.5" and ¾" diameters, which hold more than 1025 mL and 200 mL of sample water, respectively.


Inertial Pumps

solinst bailer baler groundwater samplers sampling narrow diameter sampling groundwater disposable bailers biobailer bio bailer biodegradable bailer biodegradable baler biodegradable bailers clear pvc bailers image

  • Ideal for dedication
  • Excellent in silty/sandy environments
  • Easily operated by hand

Convenient Tag Line

solinst bailer baler groundwater samplers sampling narrow diameter sampling groundwater disposable bailers biobailer bio bailer biodegradable bailer biodegradable baler biodegradable bailers clear pvc bailers image

  • Laser marked cable, every 1/4 ft or 5 cm
  • Accurately deploy bailers to the right sample depth


solinst 12v submersible pump

415 12V Submersible Pump

The Solinst 12V Submersible Pump provides an efficient means of purging and obtaining groundwater samples from 2" OD monitoring wells. The compact pump can sample from depths of 36.5 m (120 ft) below ground surface, and is easy to adjust the flow rates up to 13.5 L/min (3.6 US gpm) in shallower applications.


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