December 24, 2010
Holiday Schedule
Solinst will be operating throughout the holidays with reduced staff levels to maintain consistent service for our clients. Our hours of operation during the holiday season are as follows:
Christmas Eve Day
December 24 - 8:30am to 12noon
December 27 - Closed
December 28 - Closed
December 29 - 8:30am to 5pm
December 30 - 8:30am to 5pm
New Years Eve Day
December 31 - Closed
On Monday January 3, 2011, Solinst will resume operation with staff levels back to full capacity.
December 6, 2010
Water Monitoring News and Updates
Just Released - Special Symposium Edition! The Solinst Fall 2010 newsletter features highlights from the 2010 Solinst Symposium on Groundwater Monitoring for the 21st Century. Included are articles about each speaker presentation, which included discussions on site characterization, high resolution monitoring, data collection, the Ontario Clean Water Act, and much more >>
November 11, 2010
High Quality Groundwater Sampling Explained
The Solinst Technical Bulletin on High Quality Groundwater Sampling explains how to obtain representative groundwater samples using Solinst Bladder Pumps, 464 Electronic Pump Control Units and our 12 Volt Compressor. Solinst Bladder Pumps are designed for sampling in a variety of applications and are ideal for obtaining VOC samples. This bulletin describes where it is best to use stainless steel Bladder Pumps or PVC Bladder Pumps, and tips for setting the Control Unit to achieve your desired sampling rate. The 464 Control Unit works with Bladder Pumps, automatically or manually with a 12 Volt Compressor, to provide low or high flow sampling to depths of 500 ft (150 m). more >>
November 8, 2010
Symposium Sold Out!
There was an overwhelming, common theme throughout the Symposium this year: Obtain high quality water level and underground chemistry data, store it in a database, and make it available to all those who need it.
The work being done at the Region of Waterloo, the Oak Ridges Moraine and through the Ontario Ministry of Environment, all came back to the importance of organizing and sharing sub-surface data. The need for high resolution data was further emphasized during Beth Parker's talk, highlighting the value of continued research, furthering technology and our understanding of what is happening beneath the earth's surface.
During the final presentation of the Symposium, attendees (consultants, regulators, and researchers) were thoroughly intrigued when Guy Patrick described the new Guidance Document for British Columbia. The response was immensely positive and it is clear that BC is setting the bar to increase the level of competency and accountability for groundwater monitoring and remediation applications. This is a real step forward for the entire industry and really drove the point home that high quality data not only needs to be captured and shared, but also analyzed and utilized to ensure public safety. Guy's talk brought the event full-circle. It emphasized the message that Dick Jackson began the Symposium with – the need for more complete and accurate site investigations to ensure the best and proper outcome at a contaminated site.
For more highlights from the Symposium, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010/
Oct 20, 2010
Groundwater Resource Management
Talk Highlight: Solinst Symposium
At the Solinst Symposium on Groundwater Monitoring for the 21st Century, Hydrogeologists Christopher Munro and Heather Brodie-Brown with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, will be delivering a presentation on “Groundwater Resource Management in Ontario; past, present, and future”. Their talk will take place on October 29th at 10:30 am, when they will give their own views on the history, current status, and future of groundwater resource management in Ontario.
For more information about the Symposium to be held at Solinst Canada Ltd. from October 28th to 29th, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010
October 15, 2010
Shallow Well Installation and Monitoring Solutions
Solinst Drive-Point Piezometers are excellent permanent or temporary wells used to monitor shallow groundwater, soil and gas up to 25 ft below surface. These well points are ideal for initial site investigations, for long or short-term applications, and can also be used for profiling. Installation using a Manual Slide Hammer, with tubing bypass and the correct drive-point for your application, can save you both time and money.
The piezometer tip and screen are stainless steel, and a barbed fitting allows a sample tube to be attached to obtain high quality samples. Where an airtight connection is most desirable, a compression fitting option is available. The 615 N, designed without a tubing barb, is to be used for water level measurements. To ensure that the screen does not clog or smear, shielded versions are available for sites with high silt or clay content.
All components combined create a complete shallow groundwater monitoring well solution that is highly portable and affordable. more >>
October 5, 2010
New Guidance for Groundwater
Site Characterization
Guy Patrick, Principal with Golder Associates Ltd., will be presenting at the 2010 Solinst Symposium on Groundwater Monitoring for the 21st Century. His presentation titled "British Columbia's New Guidance for Groundwater Site Characterization – Better Investigations for Better Decision Making", will take place on October 29th at 12 pm.
Guy will discuss how this new guidance recognizes the need for carefully planned site investigations in order to obtain the detailed data required to accurately assess a contaminated site.
For more information about the Symposium to be held at Solinst Canada Ltd. from October 28th to 29th, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010
September 30, 2010
CMT Simplifies Vapor Intrusion Monitoring
Vapor intrusion is the movement of volatile chemicals from the subsurface into the indoor air of overlying buildings. Chemicals such as BTEX and TCE produce vapors that can pose short-term safety concerns such as explosions; chemicals such as benzene and vinyl chloride are toxic when inhaled. Therefore, monitoring for vapors such as these is very necessary.
The Solinst CMT Multilevel System is ideal for vapor intrusion monitoring for up to 7 discrete sampling zones in one borehole. A special wellhead is used to sample contaminant vapor concentrations. It allows attachment of a three-way valve to direct vapor to a pressure gauge connected at one end and a sample vessel at the other. more >>
September 21, 2010
Beth Parker to present at 2010 Solinst Symposium
Beth Parker, Scientific Director of the new Institute for Groundwater Research Innovation Partnerships at the University of Guelph, will be presenting at the 2010 Solinst Symposium on Groundwater Monitoring for the 21st Century. Her presentation titled "High Resolution Multi-level monitoring for Bedrock Aquifers", will take place on October 29th at 9 am. Her presentation will describe a comprehensive approach for determining the nature, extent, transport and fate of contaminants at industrial sites on fractured rock.
For more information about the Symposium to be held at Solinst Canada Ltd. from October 28th to 29th, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010
September 16, 2010
Which Levelogger Do You Need?
The Solinst Levelogger Series of dataloggers provides you with options for various types of projects. Which Levelogger will suit your application?
The Levelogger Gold measures water level and temperature and offers higher accuracy, robust memory, long battery life, and corrosion resistance, while the Levelogger Junior provides a simplified version for water level and temperature measurement. The LTC Levelogger Edge adds conductivity measurements to your project, and the Rainlogger adds rainfall datalogging. Leveloggers can communicate using your office PC, or in the field with a Leveloader Gold, or an STS or RRL Gold Telemetry System for remote monitoring.
To help determine what instrument and setup you need, the Levelogger Main Page contains useful information such as deployment options, an FAQ section, data sheets, technical bulletins and User Guides.
September 8, 2010
Groundwater Lessons Learned at
Region of Waterloo
At the Solinst Symposium, on October 28th at 12 pm, Tammy Middleton will be delivering a presentation on "Municipal Groundwater Monitoring in the Region of Waterloo in the context of the new Ontario Clean Water Act". Tammy is with the Region and will discuss how their groundwater programs have changed, and continue to change, in response to environmental events, technology, and legislation; with a focus on the development of Source Protection Plans under the Clean Water Act. Their advancements can provide good examples for other groundwater monitoring programs.
For more information about the Symposium to be held at Solinst Canada Ltd. from October 28th to 29th, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010
August 31, 2010
Sample Integrity with Bladder Pumps
Solinst Bladder Pumps are designed to provide representative groundwater samples in a variety of applications. The bladder ensures no drive gas comes into contact with sample water, making them ideal, and approved by regulators worldwide for VOC sampling. Available in 316 stainless steel or PVC, 1.66" (42 mm) and 1" (25 mm) diameter pumps are excellent for regular flow or low flow sampling, with rates from 2 L/min to 100 ml/min or less. With the recent release of the Model 464 Pump Control Unit, there is one more reason why you should use Solinst Bladder Pumps! The Control Unit works with Bladder Pumps, automatically or manually, to provide high quality groundwater samples. more >>
August 25, 2010
Oak Ridges Moraine Presentation at Solinst Symposium
Steve Holysh and Richard Gerber, of The Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Management Program, will be presenting at the 2010 Solinst Symposium on Groundwater Monitoring for the 21st Century. Their presentation, titled "Regional Scale Groundwater Understanding: the collection, management and analysis of data for conceptual and numerical model development, application and testing", will take place on October 28th at 10:30 am.
For more information about the Symposium to be held at Solinst Canada Ltd. from October 28th to 29th, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010
August 17, 2010
Richard Jackson Presents at the
Solinst Symposium
Richard Jackson, Principal with Intera Engineering, will be delivering a presentation on "The Critical Importance of Site Characterization in Remediation Design" at the upcoming Solinst Symposium on Thursday October 28, 2010 at 9 am. Richard will discuss the need for specifying the properties of the soil and/or rock and the spatial distribution of contaminants at a site, so design engineers can create a remediation programme that will best meet cleanup requirements.
For more information about the Symposium to be held at Solinst Canada Ltd. on October 28th and 29th, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010
August 10, 2010
Solinst is Hiring for Instrumentation Support
Solinst Canada Ltd. is looking for an experienced person for a technical position, which will involve instrumentation support of Solinst groundwater and surface water monitoring devices for our clients worldwide. Your role will involve the explanation and trouble-shooting of our Levelogger and Telemetry lines of equipment. You will also conduct presentations and assist in the creation of technical articles, instructional materials and product support documentation. As a member of the Solinst Technical Team, you will also be involved in the training of inside sales staff, International Agents and North American Distributors, as well as providing input to future product development.
To apply, visit www.solinst.com/Careers/ for more information.
July 23, 2010
Announcing the 2010 Solinst Symposium!
Solinst is proud to invite you to the 2nd Symposium, to be held at our office, located in Georgetown, Ontario Canada on October 28 to 29, 2010.
The Symposium will focus on Groundwater Monitoring for the 21st Century, and will provide attendees with an opportunity to discuss environmental applications and monitoring methodologies.
The Symposium will feature speakers from Intera Engineering, Oak Ridges Moraine, Region of Waterloo, University of Guelph, Golder Associates, and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.
Throughout the two days of the Symposium, live hands-on demonstrations and discussions will be taking place and Solinst technical staff will be available to answer any questions about Solinst equipment and hydrogeological applications.
To view the full agenda, including speaker topics, as well as hotel and registration information and past conference highlights, visit: www.solinst.com/Symposium2010/
July 19, 2010
Solinst is Hiring! Instrumentation Sales & Support
We are expanding our inside sales team here at Solinst Canada Ltd. If you are interested in joining our team - we are interested in hearing from you. Your role will involve extensive telephone and email communication with clients, to help explain and trouble-shoot our Levelogger and Telemetry products.
You will also conduct presentations and assist in the creation of technical articles, instructional materials and product support documentation. Also, as a key member of the Solinst Technical Sales team, you will be a part of training inside sales staff, International Agents and North American Distributors, as well as providing input to future product development. more >>
July 5, 2010
Local Groundwater Monitoring Network Solution
The NEW RRL Gold Remote Radio Link System offers a very simple and inexpensive method of local telemetry. The wireless system is designed to collect water level data, logged by the Levelogger Series of dataloggers, and send it via short-distance radio to your computer – no need to travel to each site. The RRL Gold is excellent for small, closed loop monitoring networks such as at landfills, golf courses, or mine sites.
Up to four Leveloggers can be connected to one RRL Gold Station. RRL Stations are compact, waterproof, all-in-one units powered by 6 replaceable lithium batteries. They use simple software, and can be programmed as a Home Station, Remote Station, or a Relay Station to expand the coverage area of your network. more >>
June 15, 2010
New Solinst Telemetry Data Sheet Available
An updated Solinst Telemetry System data sheet is now available at:
The new data sheet includes more information about the recently launched RRL Gold Remote Radio Link, as well as landline and satellite options for the STS Gold Telemetry System.
Solinst Telemetry Systems are built for the Levelogger Series of dataloggers. They provide a convenient and cost effective method of retrieving water level, temperature, rainfall and conductivity data from Leveloggers in the field, and sending it directly to your desktop without the need to travel to each remote location. STS Gold Telemetry Systems are ideal for larger networks and can be set up with alarm notifications. RRL Gold Systems are ideal for setting up local, closed loop monitoring networks. more >>

June 11, 2010
Training Brings Agents from Across the Globe
On May 20th and 21st, we held our annual training session for Solinst International Agents. The response was impressive; 17 Agents were able to attend, representing 12 different countries! Attendees travelled from the Netherlands, South Africa, Australia, Malaysia, China, Czech Republic, Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, Iran, Egypt, and Quebec, Canada. We all enjoyed the two days of informative presentations, demonstrations, and the sharing of new ideas and experiences. Thanks to all for attending!
June 9, 2010
Water Monitoring News and Updates
The Spring 2010 edition of the Solinst Newsletter highlights the launch of two new products, the Model 464 Pump Control Unit and RRL Gold Radio Telemetry. This issue is also full of interesting case studies, featuring the Levelogger, CMT System, and Bladder Pumps. Also find helpful hints for barometrically compensating your Levelogger data. more >>
April 8, 2010
Model 103 Tag Lines -
Now with Laser Marked Cable!
The Solinst Model 103 Tag Line now has laser markings every 10 centimeters or every 1/2 foot of the cable. This makes it more accurate and allows it to run more smoothly over the sides of a well. Designed to measure depths during well construction, the Tag Line uses a weight clipped to a strong, durable cable, mounted on a sturdy freestanding reel. As the weight is easily clipped off, the Tag Line can be used to deploy a number of different instruments, and because the cable is marked, you can ensure you are getting your instruments to the proper depth. This is excellent for Bailer deployment, installing Packers, safety support for Bladder Pumps or Double Valve Pumps, and can even be used to deploy your Levelogger for short-term applications. more >>
February 24, 2010
Model 464 Simple to Operate Pump Controller
The New Model 464 Electronic Control Unit is designed to work easily with pneumatic pumps, including Solinst Model 407 Bladder Pumps and Model 408 Double Valve Pumps, to provide high quality groundwater samples.
It outputs 125 psi and uses 4 AA alkaline batteries that last up to 100 hours of normal use. It is fully automatic with preset sample modes and can save up to 99 user-created flow rates. The Controller can also be operated manually, with only a compressed gas source, if your batteries run out in the field.
The Controller allows faster purge rates and precise low flow control to ensure a representative sample at 100 ml/min or less when sampling for VOCs. Also available, for higher pumping pressures and deeper applications, the Model 466 Electronic Control Unit gives up to 250 psi output.
These convenient boxes are rugged, dependable and suitable for all environments. Quick-connect fittings allow instant attachment to dedicated well caps, portable pump reel units and to an air compressor or compressed gas source. more >>
February 12, 2010
Updated Waterloo Emitter Data Sheet Online
An updated Model 703 Waterloo Emitter data sheet is now available to view and download from www.solinst.com. It features a recent case study, as well as updated images that are dynamic on the website.
The Waterloo Emitter is a simple, low cost device designed for the bioremediation of contaminated groundwater. It enables oxygen to diffuse through silicone or LDPE tubing. The controlled release of oxygen encourages and sustains the growth of microorganisms required for bioremediation. more >>
Feburary 3, 2010
Frequently Asked Questions Answered on Solinst.com
Solinst has added a new Frequently Asked Questions section for the Levelogger Series on Solinst.com. Quickly access common questions about installation, applications, monitoring options and general information about Leveloggers. If you can't find the answer to your question using the FAQs, Solinst technical staff are available to answer any questions you may have about our products and your application. Fill out an Information Request Form online or call us!
You can also sign-up to receive Solinst Email Updates, and get the benefits of regular product updates, helpful user tips and informative technical bulletins.