The Solinst 415 12V Submersible Pump provides an efficient means of purging and obtaining groundwater samples in a dedicated or portable setup from nominal 2" OD monitoring wells.
The 12V Submersible Pump and 12V Pump Controller are lightweight, portable, and easy to set up, deploy and operate. The Pump's sleek, short design ensures it fits easily down wells that may not be straight or plumb.
The 12V Submersible Pump cable connects to the 12V Pump Controller, which then clips to a 12V power source. Simply turn the dial on the 12V Pump Controller clockwise to increase the voltage to the Controller, which turns the Pump's motor faster and increases the flow rate. 3/8" (9.5 mm) ID LDPE sample tubing is required.
The Solinst 12V Submersible Pump is capable of pumping groundwater from 36.5 m (120 ft) below ground surface, with flow rates up to 13.5 L/min (3.6 US gpm) in shallow conditions.
The high purge and sampling rates make the 12V Submersible Pump ideal when sampling using three volume purge protocols or performing constant head tests in high K (hydraulic conductivity) environments.