The 3002 Rainlogger 5 is used with Levelogger Software and most standard tipping-bucket rain gauges to log rainfall events. It is excellent for use alongside Leveloggers to allow correlation between precipitation events and changes in groundwater levels, and is excellent for measuring local precipitation, larger scale remote monitoring of watersheds, and localized stormwater event monitoring.
The Rainlogger 5 features a durable ABS housing that provides EDS protection when recording in the field. It is designed to count the tips of a connected tipping-bucket rain gauge, and output the total amount of rainfall per time period. The Rainlogger 5 offers long-term reliability with a battery that lasts up to10 years and a memory for 100,000 time-stamped readings.
Levelogger customers can easily add rainfall data to their water level monitoring network. The Rainlogger 5 is compatible with all Solinst Levelogger communication and deployment accessories, including Solinst Telemetry Systems and SDI-12 Interface Cable.