November 2003
Move into the expanded facility is a success!
The move of the offices into the expanded facility took place without any impact on production or customer service. We were able to successfully move all of the furniture and get the new LAN running with the computers by the time we opened again for business in the expanded facility on Nov 3, 2003.
To view the latest pictures, click here.
Check back for updates as we are now in the process of renovating the previous office area.

October 1, 2003
BulletProof Test Room, Drywall, Windows, Electrical... It is all coming together nicely.
The electrical infrastructure has been installed, the drywall is taking place, our bulletproof test area has been erected. It shouldn't be long now before the interior design starts to take shape. Check back for more updates to follow.
To view the latest photo gallery, click here.

September 16, 2003
The Walls are up and the floor is poured.
The site is really starting to take shape. The floor is in and the walls have been put up. The drywall is being completed and the drive-way should be finished later today. Check back for more updates to follow.
To view the latest photo gallery, click here.

August 1, 2003
Things are really on the move now
The roof is on the structure and the studs are being installed for the main support walls. Things are really moving forward quickly now. Click to view the latest images from today.
Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Image 5 | Image 6 | Image 7

July 22, 2003
Building Framing Goes Up
The new Solinst building framework started today. The framing should be completed this week.
Click here to view our on-line photo gallery of today's images.

July 11, 2003
INDOOR Testing and Training Well Underway
To further demonstrate our committment to our customers and distibution network, Solinst is building an indoor testing well that will aide in product development year round, even through our harsh winter months. The well is going to be located inside the new Solinst building extension, in a large room whereby Solinst will also conduct on-site training in a controlled environment year-round.

June 25, 2003
Solinst Building Expansion Back on Track!
The construction crew is back on site building the foundation for the new building expansion.
We will be updating on a continual basis, so make sure to check back soon.

April 1, 2003
Solinst Breaks Ground!
Solinst is expanding its facility to accommodate for increased production requirements, training facilities, research and development lab space and office space. Check back for more updates.

March 31, 2003
MOE Project Update
As of March 31, 2003, 206 Solinst Telemetry Units, 302 Leveloggers and 27 Barologgers are installed and operating. The Central Data Management System has been in operational mode since July 2001.

January 13, 2003
Maclean's Magazine Solinst Waterloo Multilevel System and 102 Water Level Meter make the grade.
Image on left shows the Solinst Model 401 Waterloo Multilevel System being used and also a Solinst Model 101 Water Level Meter.
Dr. Kerry MacQuarrie of the University of New Brunswick is looking for ways to maintain and improve groundwater quality. Even small amounts of everyday substances- gasoline, solvents, pesticides - can significantly pollute our water. MacQuarrie, who is coordinator of UNB's Groundwater Studies Group, and his graduate students are developing and applying numerical models to understand how these contaminants travel and behave. Scientists and engineers can use this information to help ensure the security of a crucial source of drinking water.