Direct-Push Equipment

groundwater sampling solinst drive point piezometers using peristaltic pumps

how to install solinst drive point piezometers how to sample groundwater with solinst drive point piezometers standpipe piezometers


1. Target and Identify the extent of contamination

solinst drive point profiler installation

Use Drive-Point Piezometer to determine the existence and location of contaminants in temporary boreholes. Drive-Points provide an inexpensive, minimal disturbance option to quickly assess a site. Samples can be taken from multiple depths providing discrete and detailed sampling across a site.

Drive-Points do not require large drill rigs. Their narrower design means there is less purge water to manage, and sampling times are reduced. Because of their low cost and ease of installation, adding more sampling locations, as required, takes little effort. As screening tools they help decide on placement of longer-term monitoring systems and also pin-point areas that require immediate remedial action.


2. Quantify and detail the movement of contaminants

quantify contaminant migration using solinst multilevel systems

Use Multilevel Systems to accurately verify and delineate the extent and movement of contaminants. CMT® and Waterloo Multilevel Systems provide long-term sampling and water level monitoring at multiple depths across a site. They allow a number of discrete zones in one well. Long-term measurements are critical in determining the overall hydrogeological conditions of a site, including groundwater flow and direction, contaminant distribution, concentration gradients, and contaminant fluxes. They can also track naturally occurring chemical reactions or attenuation processes.

Transects of Multilevels allow for 4D characterization of a site, providing high resolution data. The more accurate site characterization, allows remediation strategies to be targeted more precisely, and efforts focused in the most beneficial manner.


3. Resolve contaminated site issues

waterloo emitter used to resolve contaminated site issues

The Waterloo Emitter™ is one option for resolving contaminated groundwater issues. The Waterloo Emitter uses a patented technology that releases oxygen into contaminated groundwater in a controlled and uniform manner. This enhances the conditions to stimulate aerobic microbial degradation.

The Waterloo Emitter is a low cost device, which can be used on its own, or as part of a multi-phase approach to attenuate contamination in groundwater. The Waterloo Emitter works with equipment that is readily available, is easy to install, and has no power requirements. It speeds up the natural attenuation process without injecting any slurry or chemicals, and there are no byproducts produced. Contaminants are reduced in place, with minimal disturbance or disruption to on-going activities.


®CMT is a registered trademark of Solinst Canada Ltd.
™Waterloo Emitter is a trademark of Solinst Canada Ltd.