Of Salt And Sand – The Story Of Two Of Nebraska’s Most Unique Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem

Day Two began with a very interesting presentation by Ed Harvey with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Ed presented ongoing research from two of Nebraska’s most unique groundwater dependent ecosystems – Eastern Saline Wetlands and Sandhills Fens. Due to the unique composition of the groundwater that feeds these two ecosystems, the species found in these environments are not native… Continue Reading »

Advances In Environmental Drilling Technologies

Day One ended with a guest speaker from Boart Longyear. Brennan McMahan focused on the use of sonic drilling technology for environmental applications, involving soil samples and groundwater monitoring. Brennan discussed the advantages gained through sonic drilling, talked about the costs involved and showed that this technology is quick and effective in a wide variety… Continue Reading »

High Resolution Subsurface Characterization And Monitoring

The symposium continued with a presentation by Murray Einarson, with AMEC Geomatrix. His presentation was a great follow-up to Dave Rudolph’s, as it presented methods to obtain the valuable data required, particularly in groundwater assessments. Murray provided an overview of the types and scales of measurements that are important during subsurface assessments and new approaches and technologies… Continue Reading »

Emerging Needs For Temporal And Spatial Data Precision

Dave Rudolph, with the University of Waterloo, started the symposium off with a very thought-provoking presentation on the value of diverse and abundant data. Dave used case studies and different modeling methodologies to illustrate how various factors impact the quantity and quality of water resources, and how a small change can affect these conditions quickly and… Continue Reading »

Solinst Symposium A Great Success!

On October 22nd and 23rd Solinst held a unique symposium on “Recent Advances in Watershed and High Resolution Monitoring”. The event was held at our office in Georgetown, Ontario and featured speakers from the University of Waterloo, AMEC Geomatrix, Boart Longyear, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and the Kansas Geological… Continue Reading »

Model 464 Electronic Pump Control Unit

Low Flow Sampling

Low flow purging and sampling involves extracting groundwater at rates comparable to ambient groundwater flow (typically less than 500 ml/min), so that the drawdown of the water level is minimized, and the mixing of stagnant water with water from the screened intake area in a well is reduced. Solinst Bladder Pumps are able to provide flow rates… Continue Reading »

Remote Monitoring System For Leveloggers

The STS Gold Telemetry System provides an economical and efficient method to collect remote data instantly. Built for Leveloggers, the System combines high quality dataloggers, intuitive software and a variety of wireless communication options to create a remote monitoring solution. Cellular, satellite and radio options give the flexibility to suit any project. Applications Remote water level monitoring Long-term… Continue Reading »

Target, Quantify, And Resolve Contamination Issues

Solinst provides high quality groundwater instruments that can be used in every phase of a contaminated site clean-up. From the initial site investigation, to further characterization, and finally site remediation, a combination of sampling and monitoring tools are available for each stage of the process. Our Drive-Point Piezometers provide an easy, minimal disturbance approach to the… Continue Reading »

Use A CMT At A LUST Site

Solinst CMT® Multilevel Systems provide a cost effective solution for identifying and monitoring leaking underground storage tank (LUST) sites. They monitor multiple depth-discrete zones in a single borehole, providing complete data sets that quickly identify sites that pose a threat to down-gradient receptors, and those that can be closed with no further action. With strong political… Continue Reading »

Levelogger Measures Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Water

The Greenland Ice Sheet covers 80% of the Island of Greenland – it is the largest ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, it should be no surprise that it is suspected to be a key contributor to current and future global sea level rise, particularly as the earth’s temperature continues to increase. Satellite evidence… Continue Reading »