Working To Quantify And Overcome Uncertainty

 The theme of this year’s Symposium was “Enhanced Monitoring and Remedial Methods for Contaminated Groundwater”. It became clear that enhancing monitoring and remedial approaches involves recognizing “uncertainty” as a factor in all contaminated site assessments. It was put forth that heterogeneity in the subsurface affects the level of uncertainty in any groundwater study – when… Continue Reading »

High Resolution Multi-level Monitoring For Bedrock Aquifers

Beth Parker provided attendees with a glimpse of the extensive research she has been spearheading for the past 20 years. Her work is focused on developing the “Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Field Approach for Investigating Contaminated Sites in Fractured Sedimentary Rock”. Understanding how groundwater flows and chemicals migrate in these networks requires a unique approach… Continue Reading »

Groundwater Resource Management In Ontario; Past, Present And Future

 From the induction of the Drillers Act in 1946 to the Walkerton tragedy in 2001, Christopher Munro and Heather Brodie-Brown discussed the major changes and events that have shaped how groundwater is managed in Ontario. In addition, their presentation included an overview of the major groundwater management initiatives taking place in Ontario today. This includes… Continue Reading »

Municipal Groundwater Monitoring In The Region Of Waterloo – A Focus On The Ontario Clean Water Act

Day one of the symposium ended with a thought-provoking talk from Waterloo Region’s Senior Hydrogeologist, Tammy Middleton. Tammy discussed the key objectives of the Region’s groundwater management program. The first objective of the program is to comply with legislation, while providing a safe and sufficient supply of water to the public. Recently, this involved incorporating… Continue Reading »

Regional Scale Groundwater Understanding: The Collection, Management And Analysis Of Data For Conceptual And Numerical Model Development, Application And Testing

Attendees enjoyed the presentation by Steve Holysh and Rick Gerber of the Oak Ridges Moraine Coalition. They presented work being done for the Region’s unique groundwater management program. Rapid growth and expansion on the Moraine triggered the program into action about 20 years ago, to more fully understand the extent, quality and movement of the… Continue Reading »

Site Characterization: Important To Remediation Design

Richard Jackson delivered a very interesting presentation on the need for accurate and complete site conceptual models when dealing with contaminated sites. Richard used four unique case studies to illustrate how important it is to “get it right”. Getting the model right, allows the right decisions to be made – especially when it comes to… Continue Reading »

Data Collection, Site Design Integration & Sharing

a common theme at Solinst Symposium  The 2010 Solinst Symposium came to a close with great response and feedback from the presenters and attendees. The sold-out event provided all in attendance with an excellent exchange of knowledge and networking opportunity with top-level industry professionals and researchers. The speakers provided insight through case studies, their own… Continue Reading »

Bladder Pumps Exceed Sampling Criteria

A nuclear power facility in England has an extensive groundwater monitoring well network that requires regular sampling. Golder Associates, the project team who developed the network, wished to update their sampling equipment and protocols to improve efficiency, while maintaining accuracy and high safety standards. A set of objectives was defined to help determine the ideal… Continue Reading »