Certified CMT Installer Michael Early, of ZEBRA Environmental, Tampa, a company specializing in direct push sampling and probing services to consulting firms, recently installed three multilevel groundwater monitoring systems in Pinellas County, Florida. The purpose of this phase of their study is to assess the possible extent of chlorinated solvents in shallow sandy sediments at each site. The Solinst CMT (Continuous Multichannel Tubing) System was chosen for all three drilling locations.
Using direct push methods, a 3-Channel CMT System (1.1″ (28 mm) in diameter), was installed at each location, to a depth of 40 ft. (12 m). Solinst sand cartridges were placed over the screened ports and bentonite cartridges used to seal between ports. Bentonite cartridges are specifically designed for use with the 3-Channel CMT, ensuring that each sampling port is isolated and that vertical and horizontal groundwater data is accurate and reliable. All drilling, sampling, and well construction was completed in just two days. Post installation sampling and water level data has shown that this is another successful installation for ZEBRA.
ZEBRA worked closely with the Solinst support team in choosing the most appropriate Multilevel System for their client. The low profile design of CMT, combined with the ease of construction, installation and sampling options, provided the client with high quality results.
“The 3-Channel CMT technology is a wonderful tool for multilevel sampling. With our technical expertise and the support service from Solinst, the clients who utilize the technology have realized the benefits of a single installation with multiple levels of data.”
Michael Early ZEBRA Environmental, Tampa, Florida
Acknowledgement: Solinst would like to thank Michael Early of ZEBRA Environmental, Tampa for providing the details of this application.