LTC Levelogger Junior

Low Cost
Level, Temperature
and Conductivity Datalogging
The NEW LTC Levelogger Junior provides the low cost convenience of three measurement parameters in one instrument. The LTC Levelogger Junior combines a datalogger, memory for 16,000 sets of readings, 5-year battery, pressure transducer, temperature and conductivity sensors, in a small waterproof housing. It is compatible with Levelogger Gold software, accessories and Telemetry. It is ideal for:
- Saltwater intrusion monitoring
- Salinity studies, tracer tests
- Stormwater runoff monitoring
- General indication of contamination
Laser Marked Coaxial Cable Water Level Meter

Model 102 Coaxial Cable Water Level Meters now have permanent, accurate, laser etched markings every millimeter or 1/100 ft!
Also, it still has all the convenient features that make it such a popular choice:
- Lower cost
- Durable, flexible cable on a sturdy reel
- Narrow probes with segmented weights
The NEW laser marked 102M Mini Water Level Meter is now available in lengths of 25 m and 80 ft. The small lightweight reel fits easily in a backpack or a small carrying case.