The Solinst Training Commitment

At Solinst we see our International Agents and North American Distributors as an integral and important part of our company connection to our clients. To this end, we have had a very busy year both offering training courses here at Solinst and visiting our Agents and Distributors.

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In May 2007 Solinst held a 2-day training session for International Agents from France, Peru, Israel, Mexico, Korea, UK, Columbia and China. A lot was learned and a lot of fun was had by all. It was great to see everyone. In August we ran a similar training for North American Distributors. We welcomed 13 reps from 5 different companies. Thank you all for coming.

There were road shows too. In March it was Australia, and June through August saw numerous visits to important Distributors and clients across the United States and Canada. September saw Sarah Belshaw and Jim Pianosi doing a whirlwind tour around Europe, visiting the UK, Sweden, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany. Then, of course, there were numerous trade shows at which we have exhibited and are going to exhibit. You can look up our website at to see where we’ve been and where we’re going.

We thank all who participated and our great employees for their commitment to everyone’s success. At Solinst we are dedicated to providing our clients with first-rate customer service through our own staff, and through Distributors and Agents who represent our products around the world. Thanks to everyone!