Category: Water Level Datalogging

Simplify Your Pumping Test With A Water Level Datalogger

It is now common practice to use a pressure transducer, with a built-in datalogger, to monitor wells and collect readings during conventional pumping tests. Prior to their use, field technicians and drilling contractors may have spent hours or days on site, taking water level measurements by means of a manual water level meter or steel tape. Continue Reading »

Barometric Compensation And The Importance Of Barometric Data

Barometric Compensation Leveloggers measure total pressure (water column equivalent + barometric pressure). In order to accurately determine the true changes in water level only, barometric pressure fluctuations must be removed from the data. The simplest method to accomplish this is by the use of a Barologger suspended above high water level in… Continue Reading »

5 Tips To Ensure Accurate Levelogger Conductivity Calibration

Conductivity measurement devices have sensors that require calibration to ensure optimum performance. The frequency of calibration is largely dependent on the quality of the water it’s been exposed to during deployment. The conductivity sensor of a Levelogger 5 LTC is highly accurate and sensitive, therefore requires regular calibration. As a minimum, calibrate your LTC… Continue Reading »

Levelogger Data Aids Karst Springs Initiative In Tennessee

The Karst Springs Initiative Two “citizen scientists” in Tennessee have taken on the task of studying more closely, the vast network of karst springs in the state. Past research has done a good job in mapping and identifying these features, but there remains a knowledge gap when looking at which karst springs are… Continue Reading »

Solinst Telemetry Options For Water Resource Management

Whether you believe it’s a natural cycle or global warming induced, it’s hard to ignore the signs of climate change. The weather has been extreme the last few years, punctuated by “superstorms”, flooding, and widespread droughts. It’s not just these sudden extreme events that are concerning, but issues of long-term resource sustainability are… Continue Reading »

Enhancing Water Basin Management In Turkey

The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) in Turkey, have developed a long-term program to enhance the country’s water basin management through 2023. Their goals include, improving water quality, and gaining current and ongoing information on groundwater and surface water resources. Plans involve conducting hydrogeological investigations, geological surveys, creating models, and reporting water resource… Continue Reading »

Leveloggers Monitor Irrigation Channels In Peru

Irrigated agriculture in Peru has been an important part of the country’s growth and development, dating back before the Incan Empire. Recently, concerns including water stress, declining water quality, and vulnerability to climate change have induced a push from the Peruvian government to improve the performance of the existing irrigation systems. The National Water Authority… Continue Reading »