Category: Water Level Monitoring

Lithuania Selects Levelogger For National Groundwater Monitoring Program

Groundwater is the sole source of drinking water in Lithuania; therefore, the importance of protecting this resource was recognized many years ago. To maintain their supply, a regular groundwater monitoring program was established in 1946. By 1962 the monitoring network had spread across most of the country, with more than 20 monitoring stations, including 190… Continue Reading »

The Secret Is In The Tape

It’s not a question of “if” you get the probe stuck, or nick the tape on the well casing, but rather “when”, so it’s a good thing Solinst Water Level Meters, Interface Meters and TLC Meters are fully repairable! Solinst products are rugged and built-to-last, and Solinst does provide tape guides with all its meters to help prevent damage to… Continue Reading »

TLC Meter Simplifies Swedish Saltwater Intrusion Monitoring

Sweden is a country with a lot of coastal area and has groundwater as the major fresh water source. Therefore, it has become extremely important to monitor any drilled holes for potential saltwater intrusion. For over 20 years, drillers in Sweden have been searching for geothermal heat to use as an alternative energy source. In… Continue Reading »

New STS Telemetry

Traditionally, telemetry systems only offered basic one-way communication. The new Solinst STS Gold Telemetry System offers the flexibility of two-way communication between the remote station and home station computer, providing a new level of control, diagnostic and upgrade ability. Designed for use with Leveloggers, STS Telemetry has cellular, radio and satellite communication options. Intuitive software makes the system… Continue Reading »

Levelogger Gold – Utilized In Water Resource Projects In Qatar

Gulf Laboratories Co., established 35 years ago, operates out of Doha, Qatar, and provides geotechnical and hydrogeological consulting services for water resource and development projects in the region. Currently, Gulf Laboratories Co. have more than 40 Levelogger Gold units operating in the field for a variety of applications. They have been very pleased with their use of… Continue Reading »

Simplify Your Pump Test With A Levelogger Gold

Before the advent of pressure transducers with data loggers, field technicians and drilling contractors were relegated to hours, or even days on site during conventional pumping tests, continuously monitoring water level fluctuations in a vast array of observation wells. Often requiring running from well to well, readings were taken by hand with Water Level Meters. This was… Continue Reading »

Leveloggers can be installed in protective pipes and secured to permanent fixtures, or directly in drilled holes in natural rock.

Leveloggers Valuable Tool In West Coast Intertidal Study

Researchers from the Biology Department at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, USA, and the Zoology Department at Oregon State are studying the growth and survival effects of intertidal elevation and wave shock on purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). The study is being carried out at seven locations on the west coast of North America: Mabens Beach,… Continue Reading »

Solinst Model 101 P7 Water Level Meter

Which Water Level Meter Is Right For You?

The popular Model 101 is the most accurate and reliable of the Solinst Water Level Meters. It uses non-stretch, flat tape with easy-read, permanent tape markings every 1/100 ft or millimeter. This model is perfect for clients who require highly accurate, repeatable measurements. The P7 submersible, pressure-rated probe is an option, making the 101/P7 Water Level Meters… Continue Reading »

Compensating Levelogger Data

The Solinst Levelogger Gold PC Software is intuitive and user-friendly. The simple Windows® based software allows you to easily customize and manage data to meet your own requirements. A key feature of the Levelogger Gold Software is the ‘Data Compensation Wizard’. Most users are familiar with Barometric Compensation and Density Adjustment, but may overlook how useful the Manual Data… Continue Reading »

Just Released From Solinst

Levelogger with SDI-12 The Solinst Levelogger Gold Series is now SDI-12 compatible, and able to link to PLC and SCADA systems. Current Levelogger Gold customers can upgrade their data loggers to communicate in SDI-12 mode. Using new firmware and SDI-12 interface cable, Leveloggers, Barologgers, and Rainloggers are easily added to a system with a communication… Continue Reading »