Author Archives: Tricia Lane

Programming a Levelogger in the Field for Surface Water Monitoring

Long-term Open Channel & Surface Water Monitoring With Leveloggers

Leveloggers are used for measuring water levels in various surface water monitoring applications, including: flood and drought monitoring, base flow monitoring in stream beds, watershed recharge studies, stream gauging, lake and reservoir level monitoring, harbour and tidal fluctuation monitoring, wetlands monitoring, stormwater runoff monitoring, construction site runoff management, ecological studies, field… Continue Reading »

Solinst Water Level Meters: The Secret Has Always Been Our Tape

Solinst has been known for instruments that are accurate, convenient, and made durable for the toughest field conditions. Over the years, our Water Level Meters have gone through many design improvements, always maintaining the features that make them “built-to-last”. Our Water Level Meter tapes feature these characteristics: Easy-to-read, accurate markings every 1/100 ft or each millimeter;… Continue Reading »

Levelogger Biofoul Screen Comparison

Ensuring Proper Use And Levelogger Maintenance

As with any groundwater or surface water monitoring project, you should determine the best instruments to use, and how to maintain those instruments, based on the monitoring environment specific to your application. When using Leveloggers, this means selecting the appropriate pressure range, ensuring the monitoring temperatures are within… Continue Reading »

Model 102 P10 Narrow Cable Water Level Meter

Narrow Diameter Cable Water Level Indicators Provide More Options

Water level meters are not just used for measuring in standard 2″ diameter monitoring wells (although Solinst Water Level Meters are great for that!) numerous specialized applications require their use. To better address all the different situations where a water level meter is needed, Solinst is always refining, redesigning, and adding options to meet the… Continue Reading »

Solinst Telemetry Helps Assess Drought Conditions In North Carolina

The Water Resources Division of North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) is responsible for protecting, enhancing, and managing North Carolina’s surface water and groundwater resources. More than half of North Carolina’s population receives its drinking water from aquifers. With a large amount of the state’s groundwater also being used for irrigation, livestock, mining, and… Continue Reading »

Deep Groundwater & Dissolved Gas Sampling With Double Valve Pumps

Sampling groundwater from deep wells is a challenge on its own, but add to that the need for accurate dissolved gas analysis, and the task gets that much harder. Low Flow, Deep Groundwater Sampling HydroTerra, a leading Australian company, and exclusive distributor of Solinst products, provides environmental monitoring solutions. They have developed a… Continue Reading »

5 Tips For Accurate Solinst TLC Meter Calibration

Solinst TLC Meters provide accurate water level, temperature and conductivity measurements. They are ideal for well profiling, monitoring salt water intrusion and for providing a general indication of water quality, at specific depths. With use, a TLC Meter probe can become slightly degraded due to mechanical, biological, or chemical effects. If you find that your… Continue Reading »