Photo Courtesy of: London 2012

Photo Courtesy of: London 2012
As the Olympic torch is passed from our hands in Canada, huge efforts are underway for the 2012 Summer Olympics set to take place in London, England. In preparation for the games, a new Olympic Park is being constructed in Stratford, East London. In the works since 2005, the Park spans 500 acres and features a new stadium to seat a crowd of 80,000.
The grounds chosen for the venue are located on a Brownfield site with an extensive history of industrial use. As such, the area required remediation prior to commencing construction of the Park.
As part of the environmental assessment and remediation process, groundwater level measurements were required for two separate projects. The first project required long-term monitoring in boreholes across the entire site, with some of the boreholes influenced by tidal fluctuations. The data loggers will be submerged for several years, and may be exposed to saline or potentially contaminated groundwater. The Levelogger Gold was chosen for this application. The data loggers provide the accuracy, robust memory, and durable zirconium nitride coating to handle the demanding conditions.
The second project included 3 weeks of pumping tests in 36 separate wells. Due to the large number of wells, the contractors required instruments that provided reliable, automated water level measurements – at a reasonable cost. The low cost Levelogger Junior was ideal. The Levelogger Junior provided the benefit of automated sampling, which minimized the time spent by personnel in the field, and ultimately reduced the cost of the project significantly.
The Levelogger Gold and Levelogger Junior are both high quality instruments that provide data the user can have confidence in. Each has different features and advantages, which suited the individual applications perfectly. The high quality data loggers, along with the technical expertise of Waterra UK, made these projects more manageable and provided the critical data needed for such a high profile and prestigious event.