solinst field services on site training

Solinst Field Services Overview

Field Services Available:


Available for All Solinst Equipment

Solinst offers a range of field services to help clients with their instrumentation needs. All Solinst equipment, whether new or previously purchased, is eligible for our field services. This includes our complete range of Level Measurement Devices, Sampling Equipment, Leveloggers, Water Level Temperature Sensors, Telemetry Systems, Waterloo Emitters, Drive Point Devices, CMT and Waterloo Multilevel Monitoring Systems, and more.



Project Preparation and Support

Solinst Field Services stands ready to help you prepare for any project scale. We work to ensure the right product fit, seamless installation, and thorough in-field testing. Our goal is to instil confidence and competence in your team through comprehensive training, so you can be sure your team is ready.


Solinst-Trained Technicians and Engineers

At Solinst, we take pride in having a team of highly-trained technicians who specialize in hydrogeology. Solinst provides all our services under client supervision, and we maintain the highest standards in field installation, operational verification, and maintenance. We aim to deliver exceptional service, backed by our extensive expertise and comprehensive understanding of our equipment and in-field challenges.


The Solinst Advantage

Engage with our field services to safeguard your project's success and mitigate any potential for downtime or additional costs. Our services eliminate the uncertainties of improper installation and inexperienced setups, making Solinst Field Services the cornerstone of your project's success. Don't take any chances with your project – trust Solinst Field Services to deliver dependable results every time.


solinst field services technician monitoring 9500 levelsender telemetry system