Sampling Ports and Manifolds

The Waterloo System Design Explained

The Waterloo System uses modular components which form a sealed casing string of various casing lengths, packers, ports, a base plug and a surface manifold. This allows accurate placement of ports at precise monitoring zones.

Monitoring tubes attached to the stem of each port individually connect that monitoring zone to the surface. The standard system is built on 2″ (50 mm) Sch. 80 PVC to fit 3″- 4″ (75 – 100 mm) boreholes and uses 3 ft (915 mm) long packers. Stainless steel components and various diameters of monitoring tubing are available


Modular Sealing Joints**

The slip-on joint design of the Waterloo System uses a nylon shear wire and a double o-ring seal. This gives reliable, leakproof joints so that the core of the Waterloo casing string is isolated from external formation waters. Groundwater is only accessible via the port stems and attached monitoring equipment. This water-tight seal also prevents contact between packer inflation water inside the casing and the formation water outside the casing.

solinst Waterloo multilevel system oring joints with shear wire

O-Ring Joints with Shear Wire

solinst waterloo multilevel system multi purge wellhead manifolds

Multi-Purge Manifold Wellhead

Customized Wellhead Manifolds

The manifold completes the system at surface. It organizes, identifies, and coordinates the tubes and/or cables from each monitoring zone.

The manifold allows connection to each dedicated transducer in turn, and a simple, one-step connection for operation of pumps. When dedicated pumps are selected, a unique wellhead allows individual zones to be purged separately, or purging of many zones simultaneously to reduce field times.

solinst Waterloo multilevel system multi purge wellhead manifold

Manifold Wellhead

solinst 401 waterloo mulitlevel system dual stem sampling port with dedicated sampling pump and vibrating wire pressure transducer installed

Sampling Pump
and Transducer

solinst 401 waterloo multilevel system permanent packer

Waterloo Packer

solinst 401 waterloo multilevel system 2 inch pvc well casing and base plug

2″ PVC
Casing & Plug

** US Patent 5,255,945