spohr water level meters

Spohr Water Level Meters

spohr messtechnik hydrometric instruments

Spohr-Messtechnik GmbH
Länderweg 37
D-60599 Frankfurt a.M.

Tel: 069 622860
Fax: 069 620455
[email protected]

Water Quality Probes

Solinst Eureka, a global leader in the design and manufacture of multiparmeter water quality sondes.





Solinst Field Services




Safeguard your project’s success and mitigate any potential for downtime or additional costs.



Spohr Water Level Meters

Spohr Water Level Meters are designed for fast, easy and reliable measurements of water levels in wells, bore holes, observation tubes, tanks and surface waters, etc.

Mode of Operation

As soon as the zero-point of the probe reaches the water surface, a high brightness LED and a buzzer at the cable reel are activated simultaneously.

When the probe is raised slightly above the water level, the LED and buzzer are switched off immediately, so that the reading point can be ascertained accurately. The depth is read off the high-precision tape.

Accessories (optional)

  • Screw in Ground sensors for measuring the bottom of wells
  • Screw in probe tips with snap-hook to attach plummets or bailers
  • Extra weight 250gr.

The standard probe diameter is 15mm. A special probe with 12mm diameter is also available.

The high-precision-measuring-tapes are available with cm/mm markings or feet and 1/100th foot markings.

spohr water level meters

Water Level Meter on hand reel
(up to 50m)

spohr galvanized water level meter

Water Level Meter
with Galvanized Support Frame

spohr galvanized water level meters

Water Level Meter on big hand-reel with
galvanized front-plates 232mm from 60m cable length.

Technical Data:
Flat Tapes

High quality polyethylene flat tape with two high-tensile stainless steel cables with permanent hot-stamped markings:

  • each cm with numbers each decimeter plus red numbers each metre (Standard)
standard spohr water level meter flat tape
  • each mm with numbers each cm in black plus red numbers each metre.
spohr water level meter flat tape showing cm and mm measurements
  • each 1/100th ft with numbers each 1/10th foot in black plus red numbers each foot.
spohr water level meter flat tape


  • Diameter standard probe 15mm, length 190mm with electrode of stainless steel; special sealant, flexible and slender bend protection.
  • Diameter special probe 12mm, length 155mm
spohr water level meter probe

Cable Reel

  • Light-weight hand-reel with break-proof laminated fabric disks for water level meters up to 50m length
  • Big hand-reel with galvanized front-plates from 60m cable length
  • Rugged galvanized support frame for water level meters length 80 – 500 m
  • Water level meters up to 50m length optional also with support frame available

Electronic Circuit

High sensitivity, high accuracy and very long battery life.


Power supply

Three commercial 1,5V batteries Micro AAA providing for a long time of operation; convenient replacement of the batteries.

All parts of the instrument are corrosion-resistant; the instruments are delivered ready for use including batteries.

For transportation and for protection of the water level meters optional leather case are available.

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Water Level Meters

Spohr Lightweight Water Level Meters are designed for fast and reliable measurements of water levels in wells, boreholes, observation tubes, tanks, surface water, etc.

The Water Level Meters feature a compact, lightweight plastic reel and frame, making them easy to transport and use in the field.

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Tag Line – Rugged, Simple, Convenient

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