CMT Specifications & Considerations

Water Quality Probes

Solinst Eureka, a global leader in the design and manufacture of multiparmeter water quality sondes.





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solinst model 403 cmt multilevel system logo
7 channel cmt multilevel system wellhead showing seven isolated wells at surface

7 Channel CMT System

3 channel cmt multilevel system wellhead showing three isolated wells at surface

3 Channel CMT System

7 Channel
3 Channel
Tubing outside diameter
1.7" (43 mm)
1.1" (28 mm)
Channel diameter
6 - Outer pie channels: nominal 0.4" (10 mm); 1 - Center hex channel: nominal 3/8" (9.5 mm)
3 - Hex channels: nominal 3/8" (9.5 mm)
Channel volume
40 mL/ft 30 mL/ft (center)
30 mL/ft
Installation options**
Sand & bentonite backfill Natural formation collapse
Bentonite & sand cartridges Sand & bentonite backfill Natural formation collapse
Coil lengths*** (Coil 4 ft dia.)
100 ft (30 m), 200 ft (60 m) & 300 ft (90 m)
100 ft (30 m), 200 ft (60 m) & 500 ft (150 m)
7 Channel and 3 Channel
Tubing temperature during installation
–15ºC to +35ºC ****
Port plug temperature during installation
+15ºC to +35ºC
Pressure differential (water levels)
12.5 inch-pounds torqued port plugs are designed to hold 20 psi (50 ft) of head differential.


* Tubing is MDPE; proprietary mix of HDPE and LDPE products.
** Avoid using ‘single lifts’ of grout, greater than 50 ft in the unsaturated zone.
*** Each CMT coil measures 1 to 2 ft longer than stated.
**** If air temperature is above +35ºC, use cold water to cool down the tubing at the port before installing the port plug.

3-Channel Standard Port Assembly (107237)

7 channel cmt standard port assembly 106278


Port plugs are tightened to a torque of 12.5 inch-pounds. Plugs in the base, or bottom, of the CMT should be torqued sequentially and incrementally to ensure even expansion.

Guide Point with Port Assembly
Part Number 105856

403 cmt guide point with port assembly 105856

Guide Point Port Assembly


Gear clamp is tightened to a torque of 12.5 inch-pounds, so guide point can support up to 20 lbs of additional weight (optional).

3-Channel Standard Port Assembly
Part Number 107237

3 channel cmt multilevel system standard port assembly part number 107237


Port plugs are tightened to a torque of 12.5 inch-pounds.

3-Channel Guid Point
Part Number 107178

3 channel cmt multilevel system guide point part number 107178

Guide Point

Hand Tools for CMT Multilevel System Assembly

solinst cmt installation tool kit