Waterloo Multilevel System Case Studies and Techical Bulletins

Case Studies and Articles

chlorobenzene plume based on initial investigations and modeling

Waterloo Multilevel Systems Help Characterize Plume in Landfill Expansion Project

The GeoEnvironmental (GZA), a multi-disciplinary environmental consulting firm, designed and operates a pump and treat system at a large solid waste landfill in Rhode Island. GZA has been overseeing the system for the past ten years, and have successfully extracted and treated more than 10 million gallons of highly contaminated groundwater. 

high resolution site characterization using multilevel systems with transects

High-Resolution Site Characterization with Multilevel Systems

Within the last few years, the U.S. EPA added a new focus area on high-resolution site characterization (HRSC) to their Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) website. The U.S. EPA’s definition of HRSC is: “High-resolution site characterization (HRSC) strategies and techniques use scale-appropriate measurement and sample density to define contaminant distributions, and the physical context in…